Down-home Parables

A Blog by Richard Wayne Fry

Why Down-home Parables

Down-home Parables may seem like a strange name for a blog page, but there is a perfectly sound reason for it. Several years ago, a friend of mine overheard me speaking to someone over the phone. I was giving Scriptural counsel couched in a somewhat more modern presentation. When the phone conversation ended Bernie said to me, “That was really very good. You should write a book and call it, ‘Down-home Parables.’”

Bernie has since gone on to be with the Lord, but I have not forgotten his advice. Though I do not plan to write that book, I still give out that caliber of counsel and advice. Therefore, everything I post on this blog page will first be dedicated to Yeshua and secondly to Bernie.
Richard-Wayne: Fry

Hebrews 2:10

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February 2017
February 2014
January 2014
December 2013