Overseer, Dr. Richard W. Fry, has more than three decades of faithful service to our Lord and Savior. He has pioneered two churches as well as spearheading an alternate sentencing and prison pre-release program in three California counties.
Dr. Fry’s purpose in ministry is openly declared in Ephesians 4:12; “The perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry.” Dr. Fry recognizes that no one local church is the perfect church, and that each must decide to service a particular cross-section of Christianity. Dr. Fry believes that God has called, anointed, and prepared him specifically to teach and train people, maturing them in their walk, and preparing them to do all that God has for them to do.
If you are tired of “status-quo” Church attendance, if you are seeking your place in the Body of Christ, Dr. Fry invites you to: Taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. —Psalms 34:8
When Good Enough Is No Longer Good Enough!
Today, many people have given up on churches in general. Some are frustrated with the church they currently attend. While there are many possible reasons for this mistrust, the sad fact is; the overseers of some of our local churches have failed their congregations and our communities.People are losing confidence in GOD because they have lost confidence in God’s LEADERS.
If you have been hurt, disappointed, turned off, or burned out, by a specific denomination, or a specific church or its leadership; if you have been seeking God, but have been unable to find a way to connect and get closer to him, then you must understand that God has heard your prayers.
The Bible tells us that our Savior came to serve, not to be served. Since we are not greater than Christ, the Messiah, our master, we have no business entertaining the idea that our Christian life entails no more than enduring a sermon each Sunday morning. At POLITIC we are teaching the Word of God uncompromisingly.
Are you serving in a Church right now?
Has the fire of God come forth from the pulpit igniting the fires of service in you? Have you made yourself available to serve in a Church, but were never put into action?Hebrews 5:12-6:3 speaks about how people who should, by now, be teaching (serving) others still need to be taught the basic fundamentals of Christianity. Those people are being fed with milk and not with meat. And those who are feeding with milk are “unskillful in the word of righteousness...”
Listening to the same “milquetoast” sermons, which neither feed nor challenge, is a leading cause of stagnation and disappointment in the Church today.
Our primary goal is to get all believers “into the game,” with no one sitting on the bench, everyone contributing to the growth of God’s Church, and the betterment of the community at large.
We are a community organization that deeply appreciates the support, emotional, spiritual, and charitable, of our community.If you have been blessed, inspired, motivated, challenged, or instructed then we would appreciate your support. Please make checks payable to POLITIC, and mail to:
3440 Lemmington Road
Pensacola, Florida 32504
*All donations are tax deductible.