Down-home Parables

A Blog by Richard Wayne Fry


Christmas Myths & Facts

There are a number of Christmas quizzes, games, and such that people may participate in online. Quizzes dealing with the words of carols, games about cartoon adaptations of the Christmas story. But there are few online venues where you can have your understanding challenged regarding the Bible version of The Christmas Story.

A Torch Without A Flame

It is not as socially acceptable to be a Christian as it once was. The “Ten Commandments” are being removed from public venues. Jesus, Christmas, and even God are becoming increasingly taboo. And it is certainly not PC to be a Christian owing to our radical (extremist) views on abortion and homosexuality. Christians are increasingly being looked upon as being domestic terrorists. Yet there are still those strong Christians who, despite the negative press and being ill spoken of, steadfastly and openly declare their love of Yeshua. Read More...

Just What Is the Reason For The Season

Yes, it is Christmastime once again. Carols, lights, excitement, the smell of cinnamon in nearly every store, and the aroma of cookies baking in the oven. As we look around at all the things offered at Christmastime, there is only one thing that is missing — Yeshua. Let’s face it, Yeshua is no longer the reason for the season in the hearts and minds of most people. Read More...
Richard-Wayne: Fry

Hebrews 2:10

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