Promise Of Life Bible Academy
Promise Of Life Bible Academy is a parachurch organization, designed as a teaching supplement to any regular Christian assembly. We recognize that a pastor's time and resources are not unlimited. Therefore, our goal is to help perfect (mature) the saints of local churches for the work of the ministry. In short, it is our goal to help make adults out of spiritual children, to help make workers out of pew warmers, to help make the congregations in our area more productive.
Starting in 2017, we will be offering more classes via correspondence and teleconference. Those of you who have participated in past classes/topics are well aware of the benefits of these courses, both for personal growth and for direction in ministry.
Keep us in prayer as we strive you bring you the fresh bread of God's word.
A Preview of Coming Attractions
In a shameless effort to generate interest in our materials, we offer a few of the topics we will be making available to you in early 2017.
- Bible Covenants
- The Deity of Yeshua
- Law v. Grace
- Spiritualities
- Tapping Into God's Power
- Predestination
These are just a few of topics and materials we will be offering those who really want to "study to show themselves approved unto God." (2 Timothy 2:15)
Feel free to tell others about our website, and drop us a line to let us know what you think of our upcoming materials.
Richard-Wayne: Fry, Overseer